Books and technology are
competing for attention in our children's lives. And yet they need
not be mutually exclusive. As we thought about this dialectic at
Read&Click, we became convinced that we could marry the two media in
a way that would foster the developing intellect and creative
thought process in a child. And so Read& was born. We begin
by putting the book in the child's hands, and then encourage the
child to visit our Web site for further exploration on the topic of
the book they have just read. Young readers are still navigating
within our safe-surfing parameters while having more fun than ever
playing our games - all related to the book they have just read.
We invite you to explore our librarians' section of our virtual
library at Read& Here you will find current and backlist
catalogs, synopses, news and reviews of all the titles that bear the
Read&Click brand.