Theodore Roosevelt
Letters From a
Young Coal Miner.

The Feet in the Gym
“Good clean fun.” -School Library Journal, June 1999
About Read&Click
Read&* is the first virtual library to connect the magic of a book with the wonder of the Web, after placing first – and foremost – the book in the reader’s hand. Our mission is to foster the development of the creative thought process while integrating the latest technology into our lives.

In the Fall of 1998, we launched our first efforts toward that end by publishing high quality books, beginning with children’s titles at Winslow Press and connecting each of our titles to its own interactive Web pages for further exploration of the book’s theme at After reading one of our books, children, teens, parents, teachers and librarians can visit our Read&Click Website and find links to that title’s relevant sites, interactive games and activities with much more to come. Read&Click&Learn, a fully Web-based interactive curriculum Learning System for each of our titles, K-12 to start, is now being launched. Our plan is to soon include other publisher’s titles as well, providing an educational enrichment experience for all ages and for all books.

We think integrating all high quality literature with the new media and its devices will ensure that this generation and those to come, have the necessary guidance and therefore ability, to use wisely the phenomenal wave of new technology in our lives. In so doing, we have created a different library – a library still the same as its predecessor in content, yet vastly improved in its accessibility to children, their parents and teachers, all with the respect to the librarian’s ongoing role. We are about guiding and maximizing the interactions with the latest technology and the myriad ways in which to approach it. We are about the placement – not replacement – of literature in the new millennium.

Read&Click creates a unique partnership – the printed word with the World Wide Web – and it is our hope to improve the literacy of our youngsters to start, as we all take our first steps into the 21st century.

*US Patent No. 6,034,680; US Patent No. 7,155,677B2; US Patent No. 7,251,784B